Coachability Index
Before we can assess your readiness for coaching, we need to be clear on what coaching is and isn’t.
Nicki Keohohou describes coaching as a bridge… it’s a bridge that can help us go from where we are now to where we want to be, and really enjoy the journey. It’s about training people from where they are to where they want to go.
Coaching is not…
- Handholding (creating dependency)
- Caretaking (coddling and enabling)
- Consulting (providing all the answers)
- Implementation (doing the work for you)
- Mentoring (teaching you to follow his/her way of doing things)
Dr. Howard Hendricks stated it quite well… “Coaching is a hands-on process designed to enable people to LEARN, DEVELOP and ultimately IMPROVE performance through greater COMPETENCE AND CONFIDENCE.”
The Professional Coach is…
- A champion to help you turn things around.
- A sounding board for processing and decisions making.
- An encourager and supporter in times of adversity and challenge.
- A co-creator in the development of “BHAG” (Big Hairy Audacious Goals).
- A light in dark and rough times.
- A wake-up call for times when you need it.
- A trainer in thinking, communication and like skills.
- A motivator when action is required.
- A partner in achieving your life’s dreams, goals and abundance!
So a coach helps other DEVELOP and GROW, something we MUST do all our lives in order to not only survive but if embraces, THRIVE!
Are you ready to embrace coaching, develop and grow in order to discover the best of who you are and achieve wonderful purpose?!? Well, let’s see…
Rate each statement from least true (1) to most true (5) Once complete, total your points and enter at the bottom, “Total Score.” This score will provide you and your coach some insight on how well the coaching will work for you.
Perhaps with some advance discussion, you may feel more prepare to score higher in some areas or at a minimum, enter into the relationship with eyes wide open.
Are you ready to embrace coaching, develop and grow in order to discover the best of who you are and achieve wonderful purpose?!? Well, let’s see…
Rate each statement from least true (1) to most true (5) Once complete, total your points and enter at the bottom, “Total Score.” This score will provide you and your coach some insight on how well the coaching will work for you.
Perhaps with some advance discussion, you may feel more prepare to score higher in some areas or at a minimum, enter into the relationship with eyes wide open.